One-on-One Thought Partnerships

Colleagues are a wonderful thing – but mentors, that’s where the real work gets done.
— Junot Diaz

Our Take

The Fresh Take team understands the unique challenges of managing a small shop and the isolation that can occur when you are the entire “team.” Because thinking things through often starts by talking things through, our one-on-one thought partnerships are designed to provide you with a sounding board and a professional ally. We’re here to actively listen, promote problem-solving, and champion your achievement. We can help you develop skills, such as how to manage up, and we can coach you through change and into opportunity. Our successful thought partnerships with both Development Directors and Executive Directors have led to increased effectiveness on the job and more satisfaction in career choices. 

Expand your personal development by contacting Fresh Take today. Let us know how a one-on-one partnership could benefit you.

Dianne and Lisa have been my thought partners for more than 15 years, and they have played a crucial role in my ability to grow and succeed as a fundraiser. Fresh Take’s varied experience and expertise means that no matter the situation—donor to staff relations to board management to event strategy—they’ve been there and can help you problem-solve anything. Fresh Take provides thoughtful feedback and advice offered without judgment or expectation.
— Kathy Armstrong, Development & Communications Director, Friends of Trees